Dear colleagues, educators, schoolchildren, students and their parents! Welcome to the information site of the Public Foundation “INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF TEACHERS and INTELLECTUAL CHILDREN”. Here you will find a lot of useful information for self-education and self-development.
Contact for information:
8(7132) -548-331
Sincerely, Director of the Public Foundation " INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF TEACHERS and INTELLECTUAL CHILDREN" Nurmanaliev N. E.

Director of the Public Fund "IASof Tand IC" Nurmanaliev N.E. and editor-in-chief of the magazine "OZAT BILIM" Asan N.P. were at a reception with the Minister of Education G.B. Beisembayev.

Awarding teachers with the "CHILDHOOD FRIEND" medal of the Republican Center for Additional Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for their special work in the field of additional education on the occasion of Teachers' Day

Honorary members of the academy

Awarding the paticipants of the competition "Best kindergartener - 2021"

Presentation the letters of thanks from the akim of Aktobe region

We accept articles for the international scientific and methodological magazine "ОЗАТ БІЛІМ"

Encyclopedia "100 new faces" in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (for teachers)

Encyclopedia "100 new faces" in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (for schoolchildren)

Awarding of the "Best Student" badge to Aktobe schoolchildren

Regional Teachers ' Forum (Uralsk, Aktobe, Aktau, Atyrau)
Collection of materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference " Education and Upbringing. Theory and practice"
Why choose us
The Public Foundation “INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF TEACHERS and INTELLECTUAL CHILDREN” is an interesting and informative competitions and Olympiads, master classes, trainings and seminars for preschoolers and students of grades 1-11 (as well as students of colleges and universities) and of course for teachers and educators.
Qualified teacher
promote the professional growth of the teacher
to promote international cooperation in the field of science, education and culture;
to assist in the development of creative and mental abilities in preschoolers, schoolchildren and students.

