fantasy magic system generator

I like the fact youve got a cool new way people gain magical abilities- FAR FAR FAR to many high fantasy novels just have it be the usual theyre born with it (theres nothing wrong with that way- heck Ive even used that, its simple and the easiest way to have it)- but I love seeing unique ways besides just being born with it. This would involve a preferred reference frame, breaking relativity (for a specific class of phenomena only) but disallowing time travel (I dont have anything against time travel stories; I just didnt feel like including it in my universe). What did you think alchemy was? If you dont have enough power to spare, the spell fizzles. Most magic systems used in medievalish fantasy have groups of people with access to the same spells and abilities, though their talent with magic will vary. Hermione explains this to Ron in the seventh book when he mentions bringing food out of nowhere. Id especially suggest that, because your holy magic is used by priests, so it, too, is tied to the gods. Learning about one doesnt give a better understanding of another. That would then explain why accidential magic can happen when someone is enraged or otherwise under emotional pressure its triggered subconsciously. Some rituals are inherently harmful, like the ritual thats typically used to find missing persons. At first thanks a lot for this article, it helps to organize some things in my head. Isnt that glove from the Aladdin TV series? If they need to gather energy beforehand, they cant just build a wall of ice without any preparation (which limits their powers). Most often, your audience should see the effects of magic but not the cause. These individualized magic systems can be a great way to make characters stand out, but they also come with their own challenges. Weak to medium Hydro, very rare chance of getting weak Eco as well, Learns magic more easily than other races. Using the Harry Potter example, the rules of what magic can and cannot do are defined throughout the books new things are added throughout the series, but there is some structure in the form of spells, potions, etc., and a few laws that are hard limits (such as the no true resurrection one), yet the author of this post states it is not rational (although hard). Magic System Generator Perchance Magic System Generator This magic system focuses on manipulating luck. If you want to go with something necromantic (as spectre and ghoul suggest), you might be able to find something more fitting in that area. The willpower to make changes, no matter what kind of powers or tools are needed in addition. (As a side note, I mentioned teleportation because it would help get the various alien species in my universe together quickly so there could be stories based on interaction between them. : Basically the spirits want more knowledge of the human world, to experience it through human eyes. Havent figured out the second point quite yet. Do you want to bring in some elemental control? Thanks again for the advice! Ill have to remember I can do that if necessary. Some dimensions have a lot of energy and a lot of lines, others have few. The jammers are slowly getting weaker, and the nanites, while the have mostly settled in these past centuries, slowly encroach upon the population. When youre brainstorming magical costs, try to be creative. In Game of Thrones, the red woman throws leaches into a fire, and later several lords die far away. The steps of rituals are based on hearsay, so its hard to know whats actually necessary. Paint can hold curses that are also genetic (curses can make a person stronger but the price is extremely high) But thats not the way Rowling goes. That wall of gobbldygook was as far as i got (there were a few story bits though; going to one of the factories and contending with the burgeoning AIs, people with unflattering mutations being exiled or outright killed, fear of the outside and of the disease, the worry that the holy artifact gifted by the gods(the jammers) is growing dim, whatever). Other magic that is extremely rare is healing lethal injuries or bring someone back that was just killed (only have a certain amount of time to do it). Im going for rational semi-soft I hope I pull it off. All of the Aether and Souls stem from the Sephirot, and at the same time are all one and the same. Now, of course, this is magic and doesnt have to follow real life but by the same token, as in real physics, it doesnt necessarily have to seem sensible to humans (think of how weird quantum mechanics is). But that doesnt mean all magic systems work equally well for stories. Our Plane falls on the 3rd Dimension, being far away from perceiving the World. Magic is the practice of harnessing energy to manipulate aspects of reality. The protagonists wording must be airtight, because the djinni will look for loopholes. Why do I need spellcasters? The more unique you make it, the more memorable your book will be for readers. Life is movement and if part of nature isnt moving (even the earth) then it resembles death and not life. Occasionally you may want an arbitrary system it adds humor and entertainment to Harry Potter. There are a few online articles about this: the ones I remember off the top of my head are Universal Fire and Universal Law, found on LessWrong. You could also INCREASE existing energy in an object (Eg- Can make a Moving ball move faster) Or you could DECREASE existing energy in an object (Eg- Can make a Moving ball slow down and even stop & become completely static). In some cases, the answer might already be obvious given the world your story is set in. ), Fire/heat (fire is a more fickle form of energy and as it is intangible, it is harder to hold on to, though not as hard as air. Sandersons First Law If thats the case, youll want to make animal spirits more common and less powerful like plant spirits, and air spirits rarer and more powerful like water spirits. Random Treasure Generator. This was, oh, maybe sixth on the list of fourteen or fifteen legendary impossibilities he demanded, all in the essentially same format. Relocating energy (in telekinesis or telepathy) is, however, less of a problem than dissolving a body and recreating it at another place, to its not the same as full teleportation. The way the magic of my world works so far goes as follows: Magic is based in blood, the eight types of magical blood found in fantastical creatures and humans (Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Mind, Body), and the way people gain magic is either by taking that blood from the creature or being born with it, so either a Linear or a Pureblood. Robert Asprins MYTH novels actually do a good job limiting magic in a similar way. All are well known for changing things theyre associated with into other things or even changing other women into one of them, so that can be fun. Nonhumans might think in ways that make little sense to humans. It is inspired from some character sheets that ask you a series of questions. A substance can be traded on the market, gods can be prayed to, and individuals might be sensitive to magical energy or maybe everyone has machines that do it all for them. As a general rule, antagonists can use soft magic to solve problems, even though protagonists should only use hard magic. The magic system in my current work-in-progress, Lady Legacy, serves as an allegory for ambition and the dangerous pursuit of glory, with magic exacting a heavy emotional toll on the user. Their technology and motivations could be very different from human ideas. I transfer energy into the boulder or to the air around it to move that boulder. People connected to the Moon and Star Primals are the only two that are common in a single place and can be found in any nation or culture. However, you can mix pieces of magic plants and animals in a pot and get powerful effects. That Interferer found others like them and went around killing the common people in revenge for shunning them and taking Conduits prisoner (to use them for power). Each house is limited to one type of magic and students are not sorted by their character at the age of 11, but by what magic they have an affinity for. Dont be afraid to try something novel. The cosmic balance is set up to where the Aether and Souls rely on eachother, Aether creates and maintains the World and Aether flourished and continues to exist through our Actions. Specific effects include waking the dead, sending dead spirits back into the afterlife, and binding the dead to follow their commands. Also I like the fact that the Mages of the world are very politically influential feels so real because thats what would happen! The plants arent like people, the magic doesnt just happen to them. The term magical effects refers to the ways in which magic influences and alters the world around it. Both Harry Potter and Avatar: The Last Airbender are hard magic systems, because they explain magic and its rules to the audience. Specific effects include causing earthquakes, preventing earthquakes, and turning people to stone. Hello to anybody that sees this. Decay would be speeding up entropy, life would be slowing it down or trying to instill some kind of anti-entropy into the world. Nevertheless, I will go with your assumption for what follows for the moment, as it does involve fewer changes to known physical laws and is easier to discuss (plus, I already mentioned some of the consequences of lack of conservation in my previous post). Anyway, just to throw MY 2 cents in A while back, I was trying to design a magic system for a Skyrim Mod some friends of mine were attempting That ultimately went nowhere. Magicians are taught to learn about the natural forces within magic if they want to better control them. We've covered the source, the wielders and they way they wield power, but we still need to cover one of the biggest factors of magic, which is the power itself. I would suggest that you make it so your gods just randomly interact with the world. You wouldnt add that fire is good for creative thinking, because that wouldnt fit. These energies are not strictly bound to non-magical air, water, fire and so on, but definitely could affect each other: real fire produces fire energy, in water there are lot of water energy and so on. In actual weaving, warp threads keep tension during weaving and are the main structure of the fabric. It worked well, but it had to be named before it became important to the plot. It sends a positive message to the reader when the magic being performed is a positive being paid for by a regrettable negative but sends the wrong message when its a cheat or lethal act that is only being rewarded or reinforced with a positive. Is it connected to religion or religions of your world (since something based on the principle of good and bad [if you have to keep that, use evil instead of bad] should have a connection to religion)? And for Mind and Body, Distorter will be their name. I've kept the descriptions short in order to mimic descriptions you'd often find in games and other franchises. You can also use that fickleness, maybe, and some other things this answer mentioned, to weave in logical limitations on emotion-based magic that will make it perhaps more palatable to your readersin fact, in ways directly related to the example of exhaustion. It takes decades to master a Type of magic, and some mages (any magic user, human, dragon person, whatever) spend their whole lives perfecting one spell. In the fourth book, Harry doesnt know any flying spells, so he uses the Summoning Spell to call his broomstick. Some kind of energy tentacles, if you want a picture. My protagonist would be one of the paranoid who wants to conserve the thread.

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fantasy magic system generator